When you know that you are using a product that is sure to promote personal hygiene, you are sure to use that product on a regular basis and even recommend it to others. Disposable toilet seat covers distributed by MaxCare is one such product that you should consider if you really care about your personal hygiene and of others. This one-of-a-kind product was introduced in the Australian market in 2001 and has been widely used by Australians since. The best part in using MaxCare disposable toilet seat covers is that you need not touch the toilet seat directly. Also they can be easily flushed once used.

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These disposable toilet seat covers are particularly useful for business office, government offices, cafe, and restaurants as they often need to allow their toilets to be used by the public visiting them. No doubt, there are other products like toilet tissues that can help clean the toilet. However, these products have never been known to promote personal hygiene to a desirable level. Also it is quite expensive to use tissues and other products day-in and day-out. Using disposable toilet seat covers from MaxCare solves all these problems.
In using disposable toilet seat covers users are not required to touch the toilet seat directly. This is one major advantage in using this product. For large organisations, using these products across their toilets would mean they really care about the hygiene of their patrons. These 100% biodegradable products are highly effective in keeping you away from germs that are common across toilets. Australians love to use these seat covers across their toilets as they are uncomplicated to use and are fairly cheap.
Children too will benefit using disposable toilet seat covers as they are more likely to get affected by the unhygienic conditions that usually prevail in public toilets. Considering that there are hundreds of people using public toilets, it makes sense in promoting hygiene for all those using them. What better way to do that than using these biodegradable seat covers distributed by MaxCare! These toilet seat covers are available all across Australia and you can order them online too! These seat covers are delivered Australia wide. Attractive discount on these products are available for those who order in bulk. Surely, you now have more than one reason to use this product and recommend it to others.