
How to prepare for year 11 exams?

- Tuition / Coaching

The concept of year 11 exams to some may seem daunting although this shouldn’t be the case. Rather for students it is a chance to showcase their surmountable knowledge they have compiled over the year. Though students, who identify as behind, struggling, accelerated or even in-between the two should consider tutoring. At Master Coaching there is a strong provision to cater for those students in which feel as though they want to excel in their final year 11 exams. Although these exams don’t count towards the Higher School Certificate (HSC) marks it is essential for students to attain the best result they can. An excellent result in these exams set the foundation and platform through which students can propel and excel into year 12. It is important to consider that those students in which attain an excellent year 11 result will have the best strt to year 12 they possibly can. This attainment of a relatively high year 11 can be attributed to a culmination of hard work at school as well as an eagerness to learn at tutoring.

At master coaching this tuition is provided in both a safe and nurturing learning environment. This tutoring provides conducive learning platform for where students can make the mistakes in a non-pressure situation rather then the exam. This attainment of knowledge through tutoring is completed due to a sustained and targeted plan of learning. This targeted privatised approach means that student’s would excel both in their final exams, as well as into the forthcoming HSC year. Students will be ascertaining a high level of knowledge by being immersed in content. Furthermore, students will gain the benefit of confidence in which is a key factor of a student’s HSC mark. A pupil rather then engage with mistakes in the future has the unique opportunity to gain and fix up mistakes they have made before it is to late. Student’s will find that tutoring will not only help consolidate their knowledge but rather also help fix any key technical issues with their writing or even content knowledge. Thus, Master Coaching can provide a consolidating, nurturing or even extending course to meet the student’s needs and aspirations. This further delivery of knowledge also allows for students to explore key aspects and concerns that they previously didn’t know were a problem.

Master coaching in turn allows for year 11 students to have a both a targeted and nourishing learning environment. This style of coaching allows for individualised help with a culmination of both written and verbal learning. Therefore, students can either be taken through a standardised and previously developed course or on the other hand can be taken through a fully targeted and personalised course. Both options provide students with a basis for which they can achieve their own desired results. It is important to remember that tutoring can be seen as a culmination and extension of what the student studies at school. In turn tutoring is an experience in which allows students to consolidate knowledge as well as ask any questions they desire. Thus, Master Coaching provides the foundation and platform to which springboards students into achieving their best in the forthcoming Higher School Certificate year.